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  • 校內(nèi)新聞

    七中模聯(lián)人 再創(chuàng)新佳績(jī)

    時(shí)間:2014-12-05 09:53 作者:黃雅娣、朱奇 來(lái)源:未知 閱讀次數(shù):


    此次大會(huì)秉承發(fā)展與責(zé)任(development and responsibility的主題,著眼于人類(lèi)未來(lái)發(fā)展,關(guān)注當(dāng)下世界熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題,大會(huì)下設(shè)兩個(gè)中文委員會(huì)和兩個(gè)英文委員會(huì)。英文會(huì)場(chǎng):聯(lián)合國(guó)世界糧食計(jì)劃署聚焦全球性饑餓問(wèn)題、聯(lián)合國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)及社會(huì)理事會(huì)聚焦 “跨國(guó)公司在全球事務(wù)中所扮演的角色”;中文會(huì)場(chǎng):聯(lián)合國(guó)和平利用外層空間委員會(huì)聚焦“外太空的開(kāi)發(fā)與利用”、國(guó)際民航組織聚焦民用航空業(yè)發(fā)展問(wèn)題。






    七中模聯(lián)人 再創(chuàng)新佳績(jī)(圖1)
    七中模聯(lián)人 再創(chuàng)新佳績(jī)(圖2)
    七中模聯(lián)人 再創(chuàng)新佳績(jī)(圖3)

    No.7 Senior High School Making Another Achievement

    With winter coming, the campus has taken on a new and colorful look. The students’ outdoor activities are also very colorful.

    From October 28th to October 30th, students of No.7 senior high school attended the Hefei Model United Nations Conference for Middle School Students 2014 hosted by Hefei No.168 middle school. Vice director of the Education Bureau Mr. Wang Jiecai attended the conference in person. The theme of this conference was “development and responsibility”.

    MUNC is a good platform where students can meet new challenges, improve their eloquence and strengthen their courage and vision.

    HFMUNC2014 has attracted about 260 delegates from 35 schools this year, which is a new record in the history of HFMUNC. For the conference this year, four committees in all are established, World Food Programme ( WFP), The Economic and Social Council ( ECOSOC) , UN Committee on Peaceful Use of Outer Space ( COPUOS), and the International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO) included. WFP is an English committee and delegates will discuss about the hunger issue. ECOSOC is also an English committee, focusing on the Syrian Crises. The working language of COPUOS and ICAO is Chinese. The topic of COPUOS is the development and utilization of outer space and ICAO tries to find creative means of developing civil aviation. Meanwhile, this conference also arranges Media Press Center in order to enhance communication by publishing newspaper and holding the press conference.

    9 students from our school attended it, all of whom has made great efforts and won honor four our school. Bearing the school motto of No.7 senior high school “ determined to be a man , striving to be talent” in mind, they presented the best side of them and took an active part in this conference. Student Chen Linxiao won the honor of “ outstanding delegate” with her excellent eloquence and a strong team—working spirit; Wang Jingyu, who showed a good ability of communication and played a significant role in promoting the process of the conference, won the honor of “ the best consultant” ;Zhang Chun, who attended the conference for the first time, made great progress and won the honor of “ Honorable Mentioned”.

    The conference lasts for 2 days and a half, from which students not only get honor but also they experience the responsibilities taken by those world leaders. Students comprehend the responsibility they should shoulder at present and in the future and learn how to cooperate with each other. Student Chen Linxiao says that the process is very difficult and tiring, especially when they need to write papers late into the night. But when she gets the news that she wins the honor of “outstanding delegate”, all her tiredness goes away and the corners of her mouth turns upward into a big smile.

    Based on their performance of this year, we are firmly convinced that students of No.7 Senior high school will never look back and a bright future is in store.

                                                            (Fang Rui)


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